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Please Read || It's Important

I've made my decision. I'm going to finish the academy season l, but then I'm done with captions for a while. I've found recently that I love writing. I mean, yeah, journalism and all, but what was so attractive about it was all the stories people had. The depth of reality, because not even a bimbo is two dimensional, they have a story to tell, an experience to share. But what I enjoy more than journalism is writing. Just writing for writings sake. For the love of a good story. So, I may come back to captions after a while, but I'm burned out I wanna try out some different avenues of writing. Try other genres and themes. Try some real, three dimensional writing. My captions, despite having my passion, lack the depth I crave. Three to five paragraph one-offs don't offer much in story. Sure, it's a great way to blow off sine sexual tension, but not much more. I mean really, I'm sure all the guys are rock hard mid-cap and the girls are three fingers deep. I know I am with my favorite cap writers. But up digress. I wanna try some longer, more developed story writing. so I won't be gone forever, but I am taking a break. I'm still gonna post, but it'll be on my time, instead of the original schedule. I will post when I come up with something, so it's not forced.


  1. I can totally get that. Any chance we might see some self-published short stories? :)

    1. Maybe. but it won't likely be sexual in nature. it'd probably be thriller or psych.


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