This was only the second caption I'd ever uploaded to the blog, and the first one to use multicolored fonts. At the time, I had been using MS Paint, which, of course, means it all looked atrocious when the lines didn't "line up" because you couldn't do multiple colors with one text bubble in paint. much much cleaner now.
Source: kazenokaze
“C’mon, do we have to take all these photos? It’s humiliating enough to be stuck as a woman without you flaunting my new body all over” Kevin lamented to his sister as she took the photos of him in nothing but red lace lingerie. “Well,” Silvia, his sister, responded, “Maybe you’ll think about that next time you go to do something like steal a woman’s panties.”
“How the hell was I supposed to know your friend had access to magic, or that magic is real for that matter?”
“The Magic is irrelevant, it’s the principle, Kevin” Silvia sighed, “You’re lucky I don’t post these to Instagram, as long as you behave and do as you’re told, like a good little lace model. Those magic panties won’t give you much of a choice until they’re off.”
“So I’m just your dress up doll, then?”
“Yup! Now give me that pouty look again, you wear it so well, honey” Silvia giggled and took another snapshot.
Unknown to Kevin, and initially to Silvia, her friend was a very successful agent for the Panty Punishment Organization (P.P.O. for short), a very widespread and influential group dedicated to dishing out just desserts to the sexist pigs. They’d turn their questionable behavior and turn it against them, offering them a chance to eat their words. Kevin —or rather Karla, since she was already beginning to bubble up in the recesses of his brain, and would muscle him out soon enough— was just another link in a long chain of humbling gestures. Silvia would join them soon enough, and become one of their most accomplished agents, putting even her friend to shame. However, that’s a story for another time, in another caption. Needless to say, not the PPO, nor Silvia or her friend, were ever going to change Karla back, but soon that wouldn’t be her concern either.
Love this caption!