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Season 2; Episode 11: The Escapees || Remastered

You should know better than to run from the academy. they always find you.

Source: meijerdd

Now, no school is without miscreants, but no school is without disciplinary action, either. Occasionally there will be students who… defect from the education that has been put before them. These students attempt to leave school grounds without proper permissions. Such students are dealt with promptly.
The punishment for attempted flight is to be brought into our Lower level lab. In this lab, students are hooked up to machines and feeding tubes that both give them food, as well as extract valuable body fluids, including lactation, sweat, and occasional pheromones through ventilation. The resources extracted from the subjects are what we distill down into the base hormones that are mixed into all of our water and food for the health of the students.
Their milk is a vibrant source of growth hormones that can be used in our pink pudding, when paired with breast tissue samples. The sweat and pheromones are rich in sex-based hormones and chemicals vital to maintaining a healthy and feminine body. While many of those in this situation see little of the sunlight, or other people for that matter, they soon stop caring, lost in the constant lust that they are subjected to for the sake of hormone rich fluid production.


  1. Good to see that, even in their punishment, they are contributing to the greater good.


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