Originally, I wrote this for thestrangeone2380, but now we're sharing our original caps. Model: Literally Megan Fox For years I had been the laughingstock of the village. I wanted nothing more than to be known for being myself, rather than being the grandson of the village coward. I grew desperate, and relied on a witch in the woods. This had been either a mistake or a blessing, something I’ve still not figured out. She lived deep in these woods where it was easy to get turned around. I often found myself back to where I started from, but I had never stopped going straight. It was on my last desperate trek into the woods that I finally came upon the hut. The witch made a deal with me. She gave me a riddle, and if I could solve it, she’d give me my wish. It was the one about white horses on a red hill, the answer being white teeth, and red mouth. She smiled when I got it. Apparently I was one of the few. She asked my wish, and I could barely stutter it out ...
This is a blog where I will post at least one caption every Friday, Saturday, and/or Sunday at 20:00 GMT. Ideas, Requests, Guests, and Swaps always welcome at keiras.tg.captions@gmail.com don't forget to rate!